Our doctor Y. Hakan ÖZÖN attended the Gen OGT European Group Meeting 2016 Ö meeting held on 26 February 2016 in Stuttgart as a guest of Oxford Gene Technology (OGT).
At the meeting, Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) was applied to the Genetic Experts from different countries of Europe under the heading of hybrid Analysis of human blastocyst with use EmbryoScreen microarray: data and analysis experiences of 3.150 embryos Em with array comperative genomic hybridization (aCGH). gave information about.
He gave important points about infrastructure, hardware, setup and operation principles required for aCGH studies applied in blastomer and trofoektoderm samples and explained the conditions and rules that we apply in our own laboratory.
He shared his experience on the use of aCGH method in couples with specific chromosomal anomalies such as translocation and inversion, and the difficulties encountered during the analysis and solutions. In addition, all of our aCGH PGS studies conducted in our center have explained the results of the analysis in detail.
Analysis of human blastocyst with of EmbryoScreen c microarray.
Dr. Yavuz Hakan Özön, Head of Molecular Genetics, GENETIKS - Istanbul, Turkey
Richard Dawkins