January 2018


During pregnancy, application of screening tests known as 1st trimester screening test, double test, and triple test should be performed...

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

Current developments in genetics enable geneticists to perform genetic tests on the embryo by means of in vitro fertilization (IVF)...


Genetic differences in genetic structures are influential on the goodness or side effects of drugs as they are discarded from...


Hematology Nowadays, the importance of genetic tests in hematological disorders such as leukemia and lymphoma is very clear and doubtless....

Molecular Genetics

Genetic diseases arise from permanent changes in individual’s gene structure. Genetic changes may be transmitted with different ratios to next...

Molecular Cytogenetics

In our center, we can detect genetic diseases that are impossible to be detected by chromosome analysis or examine the...


Genetic structures which are necessary for a healthy and functional body, are present in the nucleus of the cells making...

Sport Genetics

Studies done over worldwide successful sportsman have shown the presence of certain genes indicating a relation between muscle structure and...


Tumor Mutational Burden & MSI   OnkoGenetiks™ Tumor Mutational Burden analysis determines the number of somatic mutations in the tumor...

Genetic Counselling

Genetic counselling provides the information not only to those who are at risk group of having or carrying a genetic...

"The most amazing thing about us is not just the protein-coding parts of our genomes but the vast regions of DNA that lie outside those parts."

James Watson