HPV DNA Test with Array Chip Method

Microarray based Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) diagnostic kits have been used by many centers around the world for a long time and are preferred because of their high specificity and sensitivity. These kits can identify most of the clinically relevant HPV types (35 different types), as well as their high specificity (100%) and sensitivity (99%), from many different samples such as swab, ThinPrep, SurePath, paraffin tissue, cell suspension.

A 450 bp fragment contained within the L1 region, which is very well preserved in the virus structure, is amplified by PCR and different HPV genotypes are defined. The L1 sequence differs slightly between each individual HPV type and this provides specificity in the diagnosis. By examining small differences with specific probes, both the viral DNA is identified and the genomic structure of the HPV virus is determined.

This method, which is a very effective and easy system for HPV identification, uses multiple molecular markers (internal control) simultaneously to ensure the reliability of the results. The system is much simpler than the conventional microarray systems in terms of operating protocol and evaluation.

The chip system has significant advantages over other methods:

Having a standardized closed system
Finding IVD-approved HPV diagnostic kits
Defining 35 different HPV types
Having a sensitivity of 99%
100% specificity

"Genetic information offers an unlimited source of knowledge about human health and development; yet interpreting and applying this information places a huge responsibility on the scientific community."

James Watson