GENESPORT Recovery Injury

A successful athlete is determined by her/his genes.

Your genes related to muscle structure and cardiovascular capacity can determine your sports career. You can change your life with GeneSport tests that allow you to determine your sports performance and the sports branches you are predisposed to.

The structure and changes in the genes that determine the strength and endurance in your muscular structure and the genes that determine your cardiovascular (cardiovascular) capacity can be easily analysed thanks to the science of genetics. The structural characteristics of these genes give you clues about how your sports life can be directed. You can learn whether you are more prone to strength sports or whether you will make a difference with your endurance.

With the expertise and assurance of Genetiks, you can easily take the GeneSport test in our centre and get the results in a short time.

Deep into sports genetics

After scientific studies on successful athletes in the world, some genes associated with muscle structure and cardiovascular capacity have been identified.

It is known that genetic changes occurring in the ACTN3 gene, which increases the production of alpha-actinin, which is one of the structures that make up the muscle and is responsible for obtaining fast power, affect muscle structure and therefore sports performance.

In particular, changes occurring at the 577 point of the ACTN3 gene (R577X) affect sports performance by changing the muscle structure. In people with this change, alpha-actinin-3 is produced less. As a result, the ability to achieve fast power is reduced, but an increase in endurance is observed.

Furthermore, the positive effect of the ACE gene region on athletic performance and the changes in this gene region have been proven to have an effect on cardiac capacity. Low cardiac capacity is observed in individuals with a short (deletion) ACE gene region. On the contrary, individuals with a long (insertion) ACE gene have a high cardiac capacity.

Nowadays, in order to determine the muscle structure and cardiovascular capacity, ACTN3 and ACE genes can be analysed to determine the sports performances of individuals and the sports branches they are predisposed to.

"Life is a chemically readable form of genetic code, showing that humans have the potential to redesign life."

Craig Venter