April 2018

Kras, Nras and Braf Accreditation in 2016

In addition to the KRAS analysis, our center has participated in the quality control studies carried out every year by...

Infertility Tests

Today; chromosomal analysis, thrombophilia and cardiovascular risk panel, Y microdeletion analysis, sperm FISH and fragmentation test, Y microdeletion analysis, FSHB...

HPV DNA Test with Array Chip Method

Microarray based Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) diagnostic kits have been used by many centers around the world for a long...

Molecular Karyotyping with array CGH (aCGH)

ACGH technique is currently used to identify chromosomal diseases that cannot be detected by chromosome analysis (microdeletion syndromes, etc.) and...

CEQAS – NGS PGS 24 Chromosome Pilot Operation

Our Center; was included in the ile 2016 PGD Blastomere / Trophectoderm array / NGS for aneuploidy pilot ası study performed...

Whole Exome and Genome Sequencing (WES)

After the introduction of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) devices in the diagnosis of genetic diseases, the method of analysis called...

European Commission – Lung Card Rise Project

Our Center; In 2016, was involved in the project) Lung Card Rise Project R which is supported by Horizon 2020...

2017, Kras, Nras and Braf Accreditation

In addition to the KRAS analysis in 2017, our center participated in quality control studies carried out annually by kontrol...

"Life is a chemically readable form of genetic code, showing that humans have the potential to redesign life."

Craig Venter