

Nowadays, the importance of genetic tests in hematological disorders such as leukemia and lymphoma is very clear and doubtless. In scientific studies; it has been proven that investigation of certain gene regions makes it easy to put forward a diagnosis and enables to have prior insight about the course of the disease. With the help of these genetic investigations; the best therapy technique can be predetermined and early diagnosis is also possible for those who are potentially at risk group for the disease to be reactivated.

In our center, using cytogenetic analysis , we can determine the numerical and structural anomalies of the chromosomes derived from bone marrow and peripheral blood samples. Molecular cytogenetic analysis techniques have been applied to determine translocations, deletions and inversions at molecular level. In addition to that; mutations in ABL1, JAK2, FLT3, NPM1 e.t.c. gene loci can be determined by using molecular genetic analysis.


Studies done to reveal the correlation between development of cancer and genetic changes have shown that these acquired genetic changes have occurred due to the alterations in cancer tissues which have accumulated throughout life of the patient. These changes are not hereditary but they result in cancer development for the person who possesses them. Investigation of certain gene regions and determination of genetic changes are of crucial importance in order to identify people who have genetic predisposition in some cancer groups. The genetic changes observed in both cancer groups can be used as enlightening elements through the course of disease and in determination of proper therapy method.

In our center; FISH tests are applied to patients which are frequently requested analysis of HER2, ALK-EML4, C-MET, ROS1, PDL1&2 and e.t.c. Moreover, using molecular genetic analysis, mutations occurring at BRCA1&2, EGFR, KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, C-KIT, PDGFRA, P16, P53 and RET gene regions can be detected.

"The discovery of the structure of DNA transformed not only biology but also our understanding of what it means to be human."

Francis Crick