OnkoGenetiks Hereditary Cancer Panels

OnkoGenetiks offers a comprehensive hereditary cancer screening panel, analyzing 275 genes associated with various cancers. Utilizing next-generation sequencing, this panel efficiently targets specific genes and mutations, detecting even low-frequency variations. It provides a broad analysis of the cancer genome, maximizing the chance of identifying clinically relevant alterations and expanding treatment options.

Who Should Consider the OnkoGenetiks Hereditary Cancer Test?

  • Individuals with a personal history of early-onset or multiple primary cancers.
  • Those with a family history of cancer across multiple generations.
  • Individuals where a single targeted panel doesn't cover the suspected familial cancer risk.

OnkoGenetiks Comprehensive Cancer Screening test panel covers a total of 275 genes associated with several cancers including breast, ovary, uterus, prostate, gastric and colorectal.

For more information download the PDF brochure

"The most amazing thing about us is not just the protein-coding parts of our genomes but the vast regions of DNA that lie outside those parts."

James Watson